Sunday, May 11, 2014

Let The Gardening Begin!

In early April Michelle Grosek spoke to Kindergarten classes about starting seeds for the school garden.  The kindergartners planted tomato and pepper seeds!  Shortly after sprouting the seedlings headed to their temporary home, a green house at Bear Butte Gardens. We can't wait to see the seedlings to transplant them into our garden bed! 

Michelle Grosek of Bear Butte Gardens.

The Garden Begins...

Mrs. Cook, a third grade teacher, and her daughter Kathleen, a kindergarten student, pull weeds and rake the soil.

In a few short hours, 2 1/2 yards of soil pep, and some fertilizer the garden beds are ready for seeds and seedlings.  In the final two weeks of school each grade will sow seeds and seedlings into the garden beds at Sturgis Elementary.  The garden has taken shape over the last three years and will involve the entire school in the next year.  During the growing season (mostly summer months) volunteers, and the Sturgis Afterschool program care for the garden.  When school resumes in August students will be met with a variety of corn, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, beans, herbs, and flowers.  Teachers and students will utilized the garden for a variety of science, literacy, and mathematics lessons through the year!