Monday, August 13, 2012

I can hardly believe that a whole month and a half has flown by!  While there haven't been posts about the garden...many have been busy helping it flourish! 

A HUGE shout out to the Wilen and Cook families for adopting a week in the garden in the month of July.  It was a hot one and not too much growth was seen.  Our evenings are cooling and the garden has finally taken off.

Today with the help of Emma Isaacson, Madison & Evan Johnson, we harvested basil for some staff members.  We saw our first tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, sugar snap peas, and beans!  THANKS to the bees, lady bugs, and other pollinators!  Today was the first day that I saw them milling about the blossoms! 

I am thrilled that in a few short weeks we'll be returning to school.  I can't wait to introduce the garden to a new bunch of learners!  I am also excited to get their help in the garden...harvesting, tasting, and preparing the veggies & herbs!

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